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Welcome to The Oasis,
a virtual world for music.
Discover new music and make new friends
in this harmonious paradise that I call home.
Join the party on our Discord server.
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Welcome to The Oasis,
a virtual world for music.
Discover new music and make new friends
in this harmonious paradise that I call home.
Tap and hold the screen to explore the space.
Welcome to The Oasis,
a virtual world for music.
Discover new music and make new friends
in this harmonious paradise that I call home.
Tap and hold the screen to explore the space.
I'm Vivek, and I'd like to
play my music for you.
You're listening to Triangles, a song I wrote
about falling in love...with two different women.
It's from an album I wrote about finding love.
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Watch Me In Your Living Room